Shoreline Studies

  • Natural Shoreline Partnership Report

    Minnesota’s Natural Shoreline Partnership includes non-profit organizational leaders and government (state and local) natural resource professionals concerned about the continuing loss of shoreline vegetation and resulting impacts to clean water, habitat, lakeshore character, and recreation. Read the partnership’s 2023 white paper to learn more about the issue and recommended changes.

    Minnesota’s Vanishing Natural Shorelines: A Loss that Contributes to Degraded Lake Quality (July 25, 2023)

  • CMSCWD Landowner Survey & Focus Groups

    In February 2023, CMSCWD worked with staff from the East Metro Water Resource Education Program to conduct a mailed survey of 565 lakeshore landowners on Big Carnelian, Big Marine, Fish, Goose, Hay, Little Carnelian, Long, North Twin, Sand, and Square Lakes.

    Study report

    Slideshow presentation